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13 Reasons Managers are “Unlucky”
When Making Hiring Decisions

Luck has nothing to do with it.  Bad hires are usually the result of poor recruitment, interviewing, and selection practices.  Here are the 13 most common mistakes interviewers make and some suggestions to avoid them.

Hiring “Second Best” never creates
successful organizations

Faced with a labour shortage, employers sometimes feel that they have to settle for the “best of a bad crop” of job candidates.  Are you sure that these are the types of people that you want representing your organization to your customers?

Three steps to writing effective interview questions
Here is a guide to preparing Behaviour Description Interview (BDI) questions by focusing on three components: context; request for information; and the details you want the candidate to provide.

An interview should not become a game show
Interviewers sometimes assume the role of game show host by asking candidates to guess what are the “most important tasks” associated with the job for which they have applied.

Probe to learn more about job candidates
Skilled interviewers know how to go beyond the job candidates’ superficial, well-rehearsed answers.  Here are three techniques you can use to probe deeper for a better understanding of the candidates’ attitudes and skills.

Know “why” before you ask
If you can’t explain the purpose for asking a question during an interview, don’t ask it.

Develop your note taking skills
A quick tip on how to develop and practise your note taking skills.

Hiring teams take 5 steps together
A description of how one organization uses teams throughout the hiring process, from deciding the qualifications needed to determining which candidate best meets the criteria.

Specialization makes interview panels more effective
When a panel divides interviewing tasks, it helps everyone do a better job.

Interviewers will discover little if they rely on the same questions that everyone else asks
Most job candidates are well-prepared for interviews because they consult books that list the most common questions interviewers ask and provide scripts for responding.  Are you still asking these questions?

There are many costs associated with replacing staff
Hiring for a position – and then rehiring for the same position a few months later – is expensive.  Here are some of costs that you may or may not have considered.

Seek customers’ input before hiring
When deciding what to look for in job candidates, check with your customers.  What is important to them?

Employment ads should generate excitement
about your organization

The purpose of employment ads is to encourage suitable candidates to apply.  When your advertisement looks the same as everyone else’s, why would potential applicants decide to submit resumes to you?  Advertising should connect with potential employees emotionally.

What is the right number of people for an interview panel?
Why “three” may be right answer.


The Question Doctor...

The cure for the common question

Here are some “common questions” that are improved when they are reworded.


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